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divine connections 


Gemma is a twin flame and soulmate expert specializing in love and relationships. she offers a variety of services to help and guide you on your twin flame, soulmate journey. Gemma aims to aid those that seek her help not only as a professional, but as a friend.


You can’t be an expert on everything. When you need help with your taxes, you go to an accountant, when you need help losing weight, you seek a trainer, so when you want to have the love life you’ve always desired, you come to me—a credentialed Love Expert.Call now to find out if you are a good candidate for Gemma's twin flame or soulmate services 



With a twin flame balancing and healing Gemma will look into you and your Twin Flame’s spiritual energy and chakras she will then be able to identify the blockages coming between you and your twin flame or soulmate. Gemma will remove these blockages and harmonize the energy between the two of you.


benefits of a twinflame balancing and healing

  • Stops the running chasing phase

  • Brings You and Your Twin Flame together permanently

  • Removes third party interference

  • Clears Energetic Blockages



Are you with your twin flame? Have you met your twin flame? Have you been in past lives with your twin flame? If you want to know when your twin flame is coming into your life, this reading is for you.


This service is for those who have not yet met their twin flame, and will help you manifest your Twin Flame into your life.

Lets work  together

To find out more about twin flame & soulmate relationships, please feel free to contact me to We will do a complete analysis of your twin situation including themes, issues, and patterns. We can discover what is happening between you two energetically, what is blocking the union, hold the deep grief of separation, and uncover how you can position yourself best for a possible reunion. We can work with your situation on an energetic level and use the twin flame energy to help heal you and your twin. We will use a variety of techniques including parts work (the war between head and heart), inner child healing, energy work, and other techniques.



Why Do Twin Flames Run Away?

Most twin flame and even some soulmate relationships may come with a great deal of complexity, due to their very nature. These types of relationships are supposed to help us open up our heart chakras, inner wounds & conflicts and make us face these issues head on. In other words, they can strip us down to the bare minimum in order to free up energy to be able to love fully, freely and without fear. These soul partners are intended to be our true healers and spiritual guides on this earthly plane, and they are meant to help us go into the next stage in our ascension and self-growth. Some twin flames, unfortunately, are not ready for this kind of responsibility and challenge. If you or your partner are not emotionally, spiritually or physically prepared for this kind of intense connection, you might become "runners & chasers" with each other.


Chaser Definition: having the desire to pursue a relationship with your partner, even though they are pushing you away and heading in the opposite direction. You still have a lot of love and care for them.


Runner Definition: unable to face personal fears or doubts stemming from past personal traumas, karmic debts, and/or negative soul ties from past bad relationships. Thus becoming closed off to strong energy/vibrations from twin flame.



to Gemma

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